Smartwatches... Worth it?

Thoughts on smartwatches from a Personal Trainer

I’ve recently purchased a smartwatch after many years of holding off the temptation. Can it benefit you along your fitness joruney and make you fitter?

  • Right off the bat, who doesn’t like a shiny new gadget?! I for one certainly do and couldn’t wait to try out the new Google Pixel Watch. Google bought FitBit and have intergated in with there new watch and I certainly like it. But does me liking it make it something that can push you to the next level of your fitness journey?

  • I for one found my self in a bit of a slump with my training and I decided to get back into training after a break. I aquired the Pixel Watch and for me personally I have found that its helped me keep track of my workouts. Not only has it helped for workouts, but it’s helped me track my sleep, blood oxygen levels and something called ‘Readiness Score’.

  • How do these help you then? What I’ve found is it holds me accountable each day to move my body! It does this in different ways:

  1. It never ever tells me to not do something active. It calculates my ‘Readiness Score’ and suggests either going for a really tough workout or taking it easy. What I like is that it promotes movement. Even on the rest days, it still pushes you to fit in your 10k steps, go for a light jog or take part in some yoga. Especially if you are new to training and working out, then this is something I’d definitly apprectiate and still do… Even as a PT!

  2. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I wake up in the morning feeling awful and groggy. Now, I’m not saying a smartwatch improves your sleep by magic. But, what it can do is give you a better understanding of your sleeping patters and sleep stages. It is a little bit of a gimmick, but what I do like is the fact it promotes better sleep which in turn helps with recovery from working out.


As a Personal Trainer who most of the time works with clients that are new to exercising, I think it’s a worthy investment to make. It gets you moving and holds you accountable to go for a run or down the gym to lift some weights and it’s great for motivation! I love it as even on the days I don’t want to train, it makes me feel guilty that im not training and encourages me to train.

What’s on this week at JacksonFit Teddington?


Saturday 9:00am

Udney Hall Gardnes Teddington

1st session is completely FREE!

Bring your friends, family and dogs along… Everyone is welcome

Hope to see all of you there!

Kind Regards,

Nate - Head Coach Teddington

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