Check out what our superstar clients and members have to say!


“I am enjoying my sessions so much that I cancelled my gym membership”

“From my very first personal training session with Jackson I noticed one key difference between any previous exercise I had done before, I was actually enjoying myself and looking forward to the next one! My overall fitness level has improved significantly and I feel so much more energised, balanced and stronger since my regular sessions. Jackson is incredibly professional and tailors every session to fit in with your goals. I am enjoying my sessions so much that I cancelled my gym membership because I found I only want to work out with Jackson!”



“Monday night Bootcamp is also one of the highlights of my week.”

“With Jackson you will get fit whilst having fun, unbelievable as that may sound! He is simply one of the best personal trainers I have ever worked with. Every week I feel my fitness and strength growing. Jackson is always supportive and encouraging and I really look forward to our sessions. Monday night Bootcamp is also one of the highlights of my week.”



“I unhesitatingly recommend anyone to join a Jackson Fit session.”

“Jackson is a radically open and approachable personal trainer/coach; I started from a very low base, but with Jacksons' respectful encouragement and his ability to figure out a great session each and every time we met, I now feel much greater energy and confidence in everything I do. I unhesitatingly recommend anyone to join a Jackson Fit session.”



“Evie put me at ease immediately with her relaxed, supportive and encouraging approach.”

“I got in touch with Jacksonfit during the build up to my wedding day as I was keen to lose some weight and feel a little healthier for the big day. I initially felt a little anxious about approaching a personal trainer as I didn't have a lot of experience in exercise and fitness. However, Evie put me at ease immediately with her relaxed, supportive and encouraging approach. She really did go the extra mile in ensuring every session was challenging but manageable. I even found the workouts to be fun, and I managed to lose over two stone before I said 'I Do!'“



“My strength and fitness has moved on dramatically”

“I suffered a serious leg injury skiing in February 2018 resulting in 3 operations and a long rehab. Once I was able to start working with Jackson my strength and fitness has moved on dramatically. He has carefully built up my programme to ensure my leg is challenged but not too much too soon. When my 15 year old son is around he joins in to get some familial rivalry going. And always such great fun and energy from Jackson!”



“I particularly enjoy the variety and challenge he puts into the sessions which always seem to fly by”

“I started training with Jackson after several months of inactivity and was quite apprehensive about being able to get back to my former fitness levels. Jackson has been fantastic from day one: by setting up workouts tailored to my needs, he enabled me to make significant progress in just over 2 months. I feel better and am always excited to train with him. I particularly enjoy the variety and challenge he puts into the sessions which always seem to fly by. I thoroughly enjoy working out with Jackson both in PT sessions and in the local group bootcamp and would recommend Jackson & his team to anyone looking to improve their fitness for life !”



“Jacksonfit strategically designed a programme that's seen me add 6kg of muscle”

“My training goals have been to gain a little more muscle and strength to help when playing rugby. Jacksonfit strategically designed a programme that's seen me add 6kg of muscle, which has made a big difference to my confidence, strength and general fitness, as well as proving a particular help on the pitch every Saturday morning! Furthermore, he's given me the knowledge and self-belief to also work out independently, without ever feeling intimidated or unsure. Love it!”



“Jackson has shown me that getting fit can be fun!”

“Jackson is a fabulous training coach; supportive, motivational and very encouraging. Through a mixture of bootcamp and one to one sessions I am now feeling stronger, healthier and more energetic. Jackson has shown me that getting fit can be fun!”



“I really enjoy how friendly the classes are - it’s not competitive, the ambiance is fun”

“I joined Jacksonfit bootcamps in September 2018 and i’m so glad i did! I have seen a great level of improvement since then - especially on my cardio and core strength. I always feel energised after the class - and it has helped me to start running again. I really enjoy how friendly the classes are - it’s not competitive, the ambiance is fun - yet you feel challenged enough to give the best you can. And music is great too!!"



“Jacksonfit has given me the programme and the confidence to get fit again, lose a little weight and feel fantastic!”

“As my office job relies on me being mostly sedentary, I needed to ensure that I exercised outside of work. Jacksonfit has given me the programme and the confidence to get fit again, lose a little weight and feel fantastic! Due to his ability to put me at ease and carefully explain and demonstrate every aspect of each session, I never felt nervous or intimidated during any of our workouts. His professional, kind and confidence-building approach is simply superb!”



“I achieved my post-pregnancy, health and fitness goals!”

“I started having sessions with Jackson six months after giving birth and from the outset I was really impressed with his knowledge and dedication to tailoring a programme suitable for me personally and postnatally. The sessions have enabled me to increase my fitness safely and address pelvic floor health post-partum; I have regained my confidence doing exercise and would honestly say I have exceeded my pre-pregnancy strength and fitness. This is in no small part due to the extra support that is always on hand, from personalised diet and nutrition advice, to writing individual ‘at home’ work-outs. Jackson’s enthusiasm and endless encouragement has been a huge help and kept the motivation high to achieve my post-pregnancy, health and fitness goals!”



“After just a few months I'm fitter than I've been for years.”

“I've really enjoyed working with Jackson and after just a few months I'm fitter than I've been for years. He's focused, knowledgeable, empathetic and enthusiastic - just the combination you want in a personal trainer.”



“We felt better, looked better and learnt so much that continues to benefit us today.”

“We worked with JacksonFit in the run up to our wedding and the whole experience exceeded our expectations. Jackson is tremendous at what he does - he is incredibly knowledgeable and very motivating - both during and outside of the sessions. He is also great fun to work with! We felt better, looked better and learnt so much that continues to benefit us today.”



“Jacksonfit is incredibly well-tailored, flexible, encouraging and accessible”

“After years of post-op low stamina & failed attempts to get fit, I am optimistic! Jacksonfit is incredibly well-tailored, flexible, encouraging and accessible and continually moves the bar a little higher. I currently work with the lovely Evie, and the PT offering is a very refined balance of personal and professional and I could wholeheartedly endorse Jackson and his superb team.”



“No competitiveness or judgement”

“The bootcamps are great. Very friendly group and you go at your own pace and effort - no competitiveness or judgement, just an appreciation everyone is trying their best.”